Howdie Devs, This is a course you should not miss.
Learn how to use Gatsby, a static PWA (Progressive Web App) generator, to create lightning-fast React apps and websites! You’ll learn how to create a full blog app from the ground up.
Gatsby is a React-based static site generator that uses GraphQL. To provide an excellent developer experience, it combines the best parts of React, webpack, react-router, GraphQL, and other front-end tools. Gatsby, on the other hand, is far more than a typical static site generator. Consider it more like a modern front-end framework.
Learn how to work with Gatsby pages, assets, and components, as well as how to style your sites with styled-components.
In Gatsby, use GraphQL to store and retrieve data, create pages and posts with Markdown, and optimize your images automatically with gatsby-image.
Learn Gatsby JS and be a top contender for modern Front End developer jobs!
Want to learn one of the hottest things in Web Development in 2021?
Do you enjoy project-oriented and fast-paced courses?
Do you want to learn quickly and straight down to the point?
Would you like to improve your insight, esteem and be a top competitor in enlistment measures?
What you’ll discover:
- Gatsby Fundamentals
- React Hooks API with functional components
- GraphQL and the built in GraphQL editor
- Components, props and state
- JSX syntax and expressions
- Markdown
- Styled Components
Who should take this course:
- Front End Developers
- Anyone who wants to learn GatsbyJS
Coupon: JAN2022
Link to course: