Gael Hirwa
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Free Udemy Course: Learn Graphs and Social Network Analytics Using Python

Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of graphs and social network analytics? Whether you’re a Python enthusiast or just starting with the language, our comprehensive course, “Learn Graphs and Social Network Analytics,” is designed for you. This straightforward and easy-to-follow program will equip you with the skills to draw and analyze graphs, transforming you into a proficient graph and social analyst.

In this course, you’ll find over 55 engaging lectures spanning approximately six hours of content. Alongside these, there will be quizzes, tests, homework assignments, and real-world projects to solidify your understanding and apply what you’ve learned in practical scenarios. Join us on this educational journey and unlock the secrets of graph theory and social network analysis today!

This course comes with live coding screenshots using iPython Notebook .

Below is the list of the course summary

– Overivew of networkX

– Install networkX module and iPython Notebooks

– Create nodes

– Add edges to nodes

– Getting attributes from a graph

– Manipulate your graphs ie.; remove nodes /edges

– Create DiGraphs/MultiGraphs/MultiDiGraphs

– Graph Generators

– Graph metrics ; shortest path/clustering coefficient

– Define functions

– Visualize graphs

– Calculate nodes/degree/centrality metrics

– Some random graphs

– Small famous graphs

– Reading and writing graph files

– Social network analysis

– Subgraphs

– Facebook Social Network Analysis

Course goals :

-At the end of the course students should be able to learn some basics of graph theory

– Students should be able to analyze Facebook social networks

– Students should take the simple quizzes

– Students should know what is directed and undirected graphs

– Students should be able to visualize graphs using different graph plots

– You can use this course to analyze the world as a network

– Everything in this world is now connected

– Extract useful information from graphs

Life time access to the course. What are you waiting for? Learn practical graph and social network analytics today that would improve your career and increase your knowledge.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginners who have never programmed in python before
  • Students who are Graph Enthusiast
  • Intermediate python programmers who want to level up their skills
  • Students who want to analyze social networks like Facebook and Twitter
  • Mathematics students who wants to apply their knowledge in Graph Theory

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